A permanent magnet is a magnet that, once magnetized,
retains its magnetic properties for an extended period of time
without being subjected to an external magnetic field or current supply.
Today, it is widely used in a variety of products as a functional material
for advanced industries.
The history of the industrial application of permanent magnets dates back more than 100 years ago.
Magnets with various properties were developed to best suit the applications of the time,
including heat-resistant magnets, rust-resistant magnets, small but strong magnets.
Because of their unique properties, magnets are functional materials with unlimited possibilities,
depending on how they are used.
The following are the main characteristics of permanent magnets.
We invite you to discover new applications of magnets with your unlimited imagination.
It is well known that the cutting-edge technology of magnets is used in hybrid and electric vehicles.
On the other hand, magnets are also used in a variety of applications in familiar electrical appliances in the home.
Magnets are often hiding in the background, but they play an indispensable role in modern product manufacturing.
Important, yet generally not well known. This may be the reality of magnets.
The requirements for
a good magnet
Create a strong magnetic field in an external space with
small dimensions and volume =Have high maximum energy product.
Stable against heat, moisture and external demagnetization =
Have high heat resistance,
corrosion resistance,
and coercivity
Low price per magnetic energy generated by the magnet =
High performance at low cost